Sono Bello on the Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Regulations in Baltimore, MD

Sono Bello on the Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Regulations in Baltimore, MD

In 2012, a young woman unfortunately lost her life when she completed a botched liposuction treatment in Maryland. As a result, clinics such as Sono Bello are determined to never let something like this happen again. Indeed, stringent regulations have now been put in place that dont book any argument. And it seems that these regulations have been very helpful,…

Chris Halajian Explains How People Can Register to Vote

Chris Halajian Explains How People Can Register to Vote

Voting is incredibly important. Taking part in elections and choosing from the different candidates is an opportunity for constituents to play an active role in the politics that affect them. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize until the Monday before Super Tuesday that they hadn’t registered to vote yet. This is why Chris Halajian wants to explain not just the importance…

Stephen Varanko III talks about winter photography tips

Stephen Varanko III talks about winter photography tips

If you were to view the vast majority of photography portfolios, we would hazard a guess that many of them are purely focused on “perfect” photography. When we talk about this subject, we’re referring to the perfect environments that photographers tend to feed off. Suffice to say, winter is rarely one of them. While some might hone in on the…

Allen R Hartman: Don’t believe these Houston real estate investment myths

Allen R Hartman: Don’t believe these Houston real estate investment myths

Get it right, and real estate can make you for life. Unfortunately, getting up and running with investments of this ilk can be easier said than done. There are a whole host of hurdles to navigate and to top it all off, there are all sorts of myths dominating the market as well. This is something that Allen R Hartman has found…

Different Engineering Trends Making Its Way Into 2018: Will They Make a Difference?

Different Engineering Trends Making Its Way Into 2018: Will They Make a Difference?

An industry’s ability to evolve is key to being able to satisfy the needs of its customers. Engineering isn’t any different and new trends are rising within the field that could change how we view engineering from here on out. These trends affect all aspects of engineering from general application such as construction to core aspects like utilising and maintaining…